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Best Hosting

$10.75 /mo

CorporateWeb Plan

  • Unlimited Data Storage
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Unlimited Domains Hosted
  • 30-Day Free Trial

There are different kinds of hosting plans suitable for different sites when it comes to the resources or the hosting platform they demand. To choose the best hosting service for your site, you must calculate what server-side software programs it needs, how many daily visits you expect at the beginning and in the long run, as well as any other specific demands that may have to be fulfilled.

Shared Hosting - Upsides

The most appropriate choice for small scale web portals with a few hundred or several thousand viewers is a shared hosting solution. With this form of web hosting, each customer pays only for their account, which reduces the overall price per individual radically. There are diverse web hosting solutions varying from one hosting firm to another, furnishing different quotas of server space and bandwidth, different email mailbox account quotas and so on. The benefit is that you can buy a plan that will provide the specs your web portal indeed needs. You will not need to pay lots of cash for a plan you will not use, or end up with a small sized package that cannot host the online portal. We, at Efficientia Servers, offer an extensive array of hosting accounts suitable for personal or small business portals that even provide pre-activated script-based platforms like Joomla, Mambo, Drupal or WordPress - to render things easier. If you commence with a low grade account and you require more features, upgrading to a more powerful account involves just a mouse click.

Shared Hosting - Weak Points

A shortcoming of the shared web hosting environment is that the web hosting servers have some software installed on them and you cannot install new software platforms. Given web pages, especially online storefronts, need applications to be installed on the server for them to operate, and with a shared website hosting solution, you can install only software applications that do not need server root access.

Private Virtual Web Hosting Servers and Dedicated Hosting Servers

For sites that require full server root access, or if your site has many 1000's or even 1 000 000's of visits per day, what you demand is a VPS or a dedicated package. A Virtual Private Server is a software imitation of a dedicated machine and it runs in an absolutely identical manner.

Private Virtual Hosting Servers

Both platforms normally come with root-level access and can be restarted through a software interface by the client, independently from the web hosting provider. Much like the shared web hosting accounts, the VPS and the dedicated hosting server packages come with diverse functionalities based on what the hosting company offers. A VPS web server account has guaranteed server space, random access memory and central processing unit usage quotas that can occasionally be expanded for short periods of time if there are free system resources on the physical server. With a dedicated hosting server, the only limiting factor is the hardware it is availing of, and it can be configured by changing or appending components. A VPS web server is easier to manipulate as it offers a virtualization panel, which can be used to reboot it, to install software applications, check statistics, etc. The management of a dedicated web server is more intricate, so such a plan would rather be used by proficient clients.

Dedicated Hosting Servers

Nevertheless, some hosting corporations provide managed dedicated server hosting solutions where they implement dedicated web server management procedures instead of the client. This can be included in the package or an additional upgrade.

Before You Choose...

Choosing the top hosting plan is vital as it can have an influence on the proper operation of a online portal. Prior to picking a plan, compare the pros and cons, explore completely all the prerequisites for the web site to function properly, especially if it is script-driven. And if you are still in doubt which is the best hosting service for you, ask our live chat operators or give us a call - our sales representatives will be glad to help you and answer all your questions.

CorporateWeb EnterpriseWeb PresentiaWeb PymesWeb ePymesWeb
Unlimited storage Unlimited storage Unlimited storage Unlimited storage Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted Unlimited websites hosted 1 website hosted 5 websites hosted 19 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial 30-Day Free Trial 30-Day Free Trial 30-Day Free Trial 30-Day Free Trial
$10.75 / month $13.33 / month $4.42 / month $8.00 / month $8.42 / month